Registration on this site is free. Registered users can participate fully in the International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism user community. Subject to the Terms of Use, they can:
- Post content and comments on nearly every part of the site;
- Upload materials to the Resource Library and Conferences sections of the site;
- Participate in the Discussion Forum;
- View a list of other registered users;
- Create a user profile on the site;
- See who else is online; and
- Send email to other users through a safe link that does not disclose to the sender the recipient's email address.
To become a registered user, click on "Login/ Register" above and fill out the "Create new account" form. Please note that the email address and telephone number you provide will be kept private and your address will be available only to other registered users. You will receive a confirming email with your temporary password, which you can change. After you receive your password, we encourage you to log in, click on "My Account" and select the "edit" tab and then "optional additional information" to provide to other users your job title, list of publications, and resume or CV. If your publications and/or resume are already posted on the internet, you can just type the URL address into the relevant field and it will automatically turn into an internet link.